The Way Through The Night

I only have one eye.
To see the day.
Narrow vision. 
For events that
Surround me.
I miss so very much.
Through this one
Hole of sight.

I have only one eye.
To see the night.
The stars.
Dreams and wishes.
So wide I see it all.
Missing nothing.
Through this pearl
Of sight.

I have two eyes.
And nothing.

And So I Tell You

He whispered
At midnight.
With the deepest
Of hopes and
Slimmest faith.
That the night
Would hold his secret,
Tight and safe.
Not a gambler.
But a burdened man,
Who had wished
Those words gone,
Away from his lips,
In to the arms of
Sleep and dreams
And so he went. 
Toward the morning.
Freedom in his heart.
Lighter in his step.
But always scared
Of the dark. 

This I Do Not Want

Heavy and deep,
In silver grey
Smoke, my breath
Came, against sapphire
Night. It held
For a moment,
As elegant twisted
Statues, then
Dissolved all
Around. Wrapping
Me in a mist made
Solely of all
That I have ever
Breathed in.
But not wanted
To hold on to
Enough. So I
Let it escape
With my next
Smokey sigh.

When You Wish Upon A Star

Cold crackled up
And down my pale
Shaking skin.

The ice black water
Demanding my all,
Even the shallowest breath.

As I burst through
Shattering silence,
To frozen depths. 

Looking, only for you.
To hold your watery
White diamond shine.

I’ve seen you hiding
So far down, on so many
Solitary  nights.

On this night I shall
Reach you. 

As the water drags me

Seize the Night

White hand.
Reached, stretched.
Just far enough.
To touch the night.
To tear a piece.
Her very own souvenir.
Taken wherever
She decided to go.
But night, it grows.
In every dusk and shadow.
Until soon it was taking
The girl.
Wherever it wanted
To go.
And she was forever,
Lost to darkness.
Dimly lit.
By one,
White hand.

Dream House

Whenever I go
To a certain place
I see a little house
Tucked in the corner
Of the greenest field

It looks so plain
But I’m sure inside
Are doors to lands
I only see at night

And dusty windows
Would open to
Black beaches then
Glittering snow

Stairs lead to jewelled
White stars, then
Down in to darkest
Demon dances

This small
Broken down house
That I see on the way
To somewhere.

Sits quietly
Holding it secrets.