The Ruby In Winter

Blood red.
Black marked.
Snuggled in a
Dying leaf.
Finding warmth
In this desolate
Winter waste land.
A little Gothic bug.
Looked so lonely.
Yet shone so brightly.
A single remnant,
The colour of joy.
This tiny ladybird,
To give it one
Of oh, many names,
Caused me so much
Pause for thought,
I did not notice.
It was my time
To scuttle on

Sweet, Gentle

Would you be mine?
Sweet gentle and mine
Strong harsh and yours
Will you be here always?
But only when I want you
Can you praise me without fail?
Only when I deserve it
Will your eyes see only me?
And notice all that brings me joy
But nothing that brings pain
Will you be mine?
Say yes to all I ask
If you will
You should not
If I did ask
Would you tell me never again?