A Willing Prisoner

It descended that night.
But nobody even blinked.
And life carried on.
Normal for a time.

– Darkness follows.

To start with just one,
Then a week or a month,
The days turned strange.
Keys clicked in locks.

– Darkness finds.

Slowly my never special home
Evolved in to this.
A town of microcosms.
All blinded to each other.

– Darkness breeds.

And I have not left,
These four walls.
For many a year now.
I have everything I need.

– Darkness swallows.

It descended that night.
And stole all the trust.
Brought all the fear,
And hate you find here.

But nobody noticed.

Always the Price

You will come to love me
As no man ever should
Will see me in a light
No others can
To praise me in a way
No one will ever understand
You will be shunned
Because you give me time
You will be hated
For the love you bear me
And one day you will die
For me
That day I will hold you
Show you all you had ever
Desired and more
While telling you that
The others were right
All the time