So Here We Stand

If you can promise,
Never more I will
See your face.
Even in my minds eye.

Or hear your voice.
In whispered memory.

That you will unravel
Yourself from all
Signs that point
To your way.

Making a deal with the
Wind to blow till
You’re gone.

Then, and only, will
I grant you a


A Pen and A Book

You left your shadow behind.
Along with a pen and a book
Of old short stories.
I dont mind those at all.
They’re tidied away in a box.
But your shadow wont stay hidden.
It does all the things
You used to do, but without
Taking up any space at all.
And its there every night
Watching the world at
The hallway window.
To remind me that
No matter what.
I can never get
Rid of you.